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Thursday 26 January 2017

Families of musical instruments

Musical instruments are grouped into families based on how they make sounds. In an orchestra, musicians sit together in these family groupings.

The String Family:  yes, the sounds of string instruments come from their strings. The strings may be plucked, as in a guitar or harp; bowed, as with a cello or a violin; or struck, as with a dulcimer. This creates a vibration that causes a unique sound.
The Percussion Family: most percussion instruments make sounds when they are hit, such as a drum or a tambourine. Others are shaken, such as maracas, and still others may be rubbed, scratched, or whatever else will make the instrument vibrate and thus produce a sound.

The wind family: those instruments produce sounds when air (wind) is blown inside. The sound happens when the air vibrates inside. Brass instruments are made of brass or some other metal. The musician's lips must buzz, as though making a "raspberry" noise against the mouthpiece. 

Sunday 22 January 2017

Se buscan #VALIENTES

Dear students,

Next Monday we are going to celebrate PEACE DAY. This year we will work against bullying

The song I choose for you is this one: "Se buscan valientes", a rap singed by El Langui

If you want more information about this song, this topic or you just want to read the lyrics, please, click no this link: